Graphic design language is a visual language, the language of symbols expressed through pictures, shapes, colors and characters. Graphics should be able to deliver messages to be conveyed by the producers of goods through containers that were created; good information about the contents as well as explanations on how to use the product. Selection of character font type matches the type of goods, supporting each other combined with appropriate illustrations and printed with a good printing techniques, will bring the message directly or indirectly from the goods which are to quality and value. Images and text (text), is not only important as energetic charm but primarily to communicate with consumers about the particulars desired. Text should be clear, concise, correct, easily read and blend with the overall design.
Consider the design discipline is helpful to avoid the impression of a design mess. The three elements of graphics, images, fonts and colors should be able to show themselves to each other and mutually Tunjang grace. The form letter name that should appear the main product, it is not feasible be disturbed by the use of contrasting colors are blinding, because the color is hard just to scream, but did not deliver the message. Exaggerated illustrations that will drown the message written information juatru more important. Text is printed in yellow on a black base will be very clearly legible, otherwise the blue writing on the ground will move confusing red eyes, and light yellow color and white will not legible. Similarly, the use of lowercase letters will be easier and readable than uppercase, and the selection of a simple type of letter would be more beneficial than the use of decorative letters that might be more beautiful but difficult to read.
Take into account height and thickness of a balanced letters, and spacing between letters is larger than a thick letter itself, so that all messages are written very easily readable. Hindarkanlah impression on consumers, so as if the packaging is trying to hide something. In the use of text, use the words easy to understand, not too long, does not mean double, because the tendency of consumers are always looking for products that are practical and useful then consider the matter of price.
Regarding the pictures or illustrations can be expressed through hand drawing or by photography or both. The main function of this illustration is for visual information about the product, supporting text, the emphasis of a particular impression or as an eye catcher to attract potential buyers to read the text. Based on its usefulness, illustrated with pictures on the containers can be displayed in the form of goods or products fully detailed drawings or pictures in the form of ornaments, or ornaments are symbolic only.
Illustration through photographic images are often used to assure quality of content items; because it brings out the fact the object. This is especially often used in packaging food items. By photography better able to describe the natural ingredients of the contents of the product (fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, etc.).
Similarly, to show the results of which can be obtained by using the product (soup with a delicious sauce, fried rice, kueh which stimulates appetite).
The same way can be used untak cosmetic field that displays the beautiful face, looks beautiful with a soft smooth skin, or hair neatly elegant.
Even further in Cap Djago herbal wrap, mounted well-known figures such as Point Puspa and Mus Officer, or other famous stars. This is simply to attempt to portray yourself against something that boast.
Color is a very important thing in communication with the consumer. In connection with color graphics on packaging design can be perceived usefulness in several inter-related angles. What is clear we know two color classification, namely hot colors (red, orange, yellow) and cool colors (green, blue and purple).
From the psychological point of hot colors associated with spontaneous attitude, fun, open, and disquieting accelerate motion, called the "extroverted color", while cold colors associated with closed attitudes cool, relaxed, full consideration and referred to as "introverted colors." If the color red is considered manly, a symbol of the blood that flows in the body, impressive orange clean, appetizing, friendly and warm. Yellow passionate, cheerful and bright, striking pink and green color symbolizes femininity of a growing and hope, while the blue gives a sense of calm. When the green evoke tranquility on earth, then give the silence in the sky blue.
The trend is certainly the potential of color can be applied properly in the manufacturing of packaging. To explain the power of color, the views expressed in terms of psychology, that the color closer relationship to the emotions rather than to form, so that in a color box appears earlier than the form of packaging and is not so necessary to the deliberations of observation.
Can we imagine the fierce competition to be faced by a product with a shelf displaying kemasnya on other similar products in tens in number. For packages that use graphic elements and colors to more closely it will appear as the main teaser for prospective buyers. Moreover, when it was realized that the human memory to form more slowly than it does on the color and people can forget to name a product but hard to forget against kemasnya color. As an example of this is clearly visible on the packaging film, Kodak (yellow), Fuji Color (green), corned beef Cip / Pronas and sardines (red), Sari Ayu (dark brown), Mustika Ratu (dark red).
Application of color to the packaging can also be considered from the point of perception cecap color perception. From a limited questionnaire about the effect of color on cecap (taste) that is common among housewives in Bandung, it can be concluded, that the red color gives the highest cecap sweet, yellow color provides the highest acid cecap bright blue color with white to give cecap salty and color-dark red and black gives a bitter cecap (Baby Ahnan research, Thesis "An Exploration Research Concerning: The possibility of emergence of perception Cecap / Due Colour perception" of 1983. The conclusion of this course can be used as a starting point coloring special packaging for food and beverages at Indonesia.
Onwards on the question of color in terms of public taste consumers can also we note a few things like:
- Color elegant, sophisticated (sophisticated), less suitable for color cosmetics that are marketed in the lower middle class society. The preferred are bright colors, a rather festive.
Sell radio with red, green, or light blue would be easier in rural areas.
Similarly, the color packs of cigarettes to people with middle to low should be more cheerful color. While the colors to wrap cigarette packs filter suitable for the business person, or reflect a certain social level, and cigarette Djarum Super red and black suitable for youth groups who are youthful or romantic, especially when supported by an advertising campaign which smells somewhat erotic. Likewise, for some particular cigarette brand in Indonesia that marketing among lower-class consumers, there is a certain harmony in the colors used in accordance with certain specific areas.
For North Sumatra area ripe areca preferably yellow (chrome) or red color, and in Java in red, lemon yellow and dark blue. For example, cigarette packs colored red Commodore marketed in Medan and surrounding areas, as well as cigarette stamp Panamas Galan and that consumers biggest in Sumatra.
In connection with the color, can also be traced that an era sometimes have a tendency to taste. For the generation that grew up around World War II, calmer color tastes, revealing the color shade, almost somber. Because it is a movement born artist group that appear with brilliant colors in Europe as a reaction to the earlier situation, among them the painter Josef Albers, Vasarely.
Lethargic taste of this era expressed in taste colors of dress and interior space with pastel colors of gray, pale amber, or a faded ocher.
But on the next generation who grew up on Pop culture period (Pop Culture), they are more enamored of cheerful colors, contrasting, lively and festive. Psychologically can be connected with the "development" that are less experienced difficulties, the atmosphere of the world a more peaceful, open, optimistic. Thus, the color pack today generally more bright and cheerful.
PACKAGING FOR EXPORT In general, in Indonesia up to now still alive with traditional good packaging design (both graphic design and materials used) in addition to packing a modern design, the construction based on the concept of modern thinking as well. When we walked into a small food shop that sells dry foods such as types of crackers, nuts, dodol, dried kueh, tauco, oncom, such as shops located on the highway to bypass the city of Cianjur, then we will find most of the goods the food is packaged in a simple situation, either snapped or graphic. Packaging is mostly for the industry this house, apparently still has a place and familiar with its customers.
In addition, in the big cities, has seen a another state, as a result of market developments and shops after 1986 (the New Order era). As we know the wheels of the Indonesian economy began to move after the year 1966, in which foreign investment in various fields, such as the establishment of industrial / factory, food, medicine, clothing, electronics, to the assembly of vehicles. Shopping centers more and more, in addition to department store and supermarket that luxury.
The presence of these luxury stores to stimulate the birth of a new form of packaging of goods in domestic production. The nature of the goods at the supermarket pedlary that includes every item must serve and menual itself, encourage manufacturers to create products with the appropriate packaging. The goods are sold at a market syawalan will be placed according to groups of its kind. So we will easily get those types of goods as well as with various, brand, price, mark-commerce, content, descriptions and bids flavor. Goods that product suddenly sink into a fierce battle to win the attention of buyers. The battle of the goods, packaging design is the fight, because it is the science of designing packaging battle. To determine consumer choice must be active. The atmosphere will be different at all, when you shop at a stall at the market stalls Inpres where waiters will pursue you with information and tempt you to buy goods; and simply with just a passive attitude.
Along with the pace of our economic progress, has also begun intensified the export of goods of domestic production to various countries. These efforts must be supported by the quality of goods and packaging as well as the quality of authoritative and empowered to sell. Regarding the export packaging design is it can be noted some of which should be considered feasible for producers and graphic designer Indonesia.
- Some of the following forms of packaging graphics of a good produced for foreign markets should not be the same as for the domestic market.
- Be sensitive and ideology against a wide variety of world cultures is very important in the design take into containers for export. This is based on the existence of local environmental factors to be considered. As an example of what can be researched by a planning and consulting firm for marketing and communications at San Francisco, USA "Walter Landor Asoociates. The company has hired designers from various nationalities, in accordance with the interests of good planning for the various target countries such as Japan, Italy, Germany, even England. Packaging for export is a very peculiar because it should be handled by the designers of the relevant export destination countries and in cooperation with Indonesian planners.
- Normally packaging that would have been marketed through the above research results and in-depth field testing, both in form and packaging materials as well as graphic design, considering the high fact differences in climate, language, ability to read, terms of trade, tax, shipping and other traffic- other.
- Each item of products to be exported, must also complete the design of the packaging with the requirements of a computerized code that has been used everywhere, for easy calculation of the price.
- Must also consider the use of the spoken element of symbolism through shape and color. Can imagine how the policy will be taken, if we will plan for export packaging, color and image problem arises as follows:
- The color "red", is very popular in Italy, Singapore, Yugoslavia, Mexico, and for Americans that red is the color of the net, while for the English nation, Chile, Guatemala, Holland, Venezuela and Sweden including the least preferred color.
- The color "blue" favored in England, is considered a masculine color in Sweden, but feminine in the Netherlands.
- Color "yellow" and "gold", once favored by countries in Asia such as Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Burma, Ceylon, Singapore and Hong Kong.
- The color "green", are regarded as matching colors and cool by the Americans, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Jordan, India, Pakistan, and for the Arabs even considered a sacred color that are less wise to use as a color pack.
- Color "black", almost all nations like America, South Africa, Tunisia, Afghanistan, India, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, France, Germany, Denmark, and Australia was less suitable, but in Spain even widely used for food packaging.
Similarly on the question of "image",
- Pictures Tiger, Lion, Dragon and the Elephant, favored in the PRC, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, is drawing unwelcome elephant in Tahiti
- For Singapore and Malaysia, they are less able to receive pictures of snakes, pigs, cows and turtles.
- India anti to the image of cows and dogs, but prefer to picture a monkey.
- Switzerland will be sensitive at all to form the red cross or red-white bar on the ground.
- Suggestions of particular importance is lived by the manufacturer and designer packaging Indonesia is to put this packaging problem, not just as an economic factor associated with increased marketing of goods only, but also as cultural factors that bring prestige image of the nation. An example that we can imitate is what has been done by the Japanese against the art of packing of goods of their products. All breath-rupaan keseni Japan to shine on the goods packaging graphic design; as an art spectacle. Do we deserve to have optimism towards this, it really depends on the attitude and desires of our own.
So in brief that can be delivered in a chance conversation about the role of graphic design in packaging and in the end I want to emphasize "When the shape of containers that can only protect the contents of packaged goods, but the graphic design will sell the goods to the buyer"